Moussaka made from scratch

Moussaka is an eggplant and potato based dish popular in Balkan and Mediterranean cuisines, with many local and regional variations. The same name and recipe is found throughout the lands that were formerly part of the Ottoman Empire. In Greece, the dish is layered and typically enjoyed hot. In Turkey, it is sautéed and servedContinue reading “Moussaka made from scratch”

Another delicious breakfast!

Every evening before I go to sleep I start thinking about what to have for breakfast. Ever since I started really taking time to have breakfast, and putting some effort in making my breakfast taste and look delicious, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! This morning I didn’t have anything in the fridgeContinue reading “Another delicious breakfast!”

Overnight Oats – Endless Possibilities!!

Oatmeal has become increasingly popular recently. As I am a person that never ate porridge like food when I was little, I have discovered oatmeal, buckwheat and other things lately and I love it!! You can eat it warm, cold, with fruit or with (pea)nutbutter, whatever you like! Just put 1/3 cup of oats orContinue reading “Overnight Oats – Endless Possibilities!!”

Rice paper Rolls – Lovely!

Every once and again I really feel like eating springrolls that are extremely healthy and also delicious! Rice paper is really easy to use, just lay them in water for about a minute and they are ready to use. Fill the paper with whatever filling you want; hot or cold, vegetables, meat, fish, everything goes!Continue reading “Rice paper Rolls – Lovely!”

Tip for a Recipe: Broccoli and Gruyère Pie

This pie I have made lot’s of time already, for a number of years now. Ideal to make in advance when you don’t have time on the day you want to eat it. You can eat this pie as a main course with a nice salad, as a side dish, or a small piece asContinue reading “Tip for a Recipe: Broccoli and Gruyère Pie”

Lunch in a Bento!

Today is another day I am só looking forward to having lunch! My bentobox is yet again filled with some lovely goods to have a scrumptious lunch today! Salad, tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, smoked wild salmon, goats cheese and olives….YUM!

Salmon Ceviche – Recipe

A few years ago I watch a Dutch program, where a musician made lunch for the talkshow host. What he made was something I had never seen before and it looked delkcious. I couldn’t wait to give it a try!! And my expactations were met – the dish was to die for!! And very healthyContinue reading “Salmon Ceviche – Recipe”

All time favorite: tomato and ground beef dish with potatoe and pesto – recipe

Ever since I having been living on my own (1990!), I have been cooking and baking stuff. The first few years I did ‘t have an oven, but when I finally got one, a whole new world opened itself to me! And boy do I love melted cheese and baked cheese! One of my allContinue reading “All time favorite: tomato and ground beef dish with potatoe and pesto – recipe”

Diner for the in-laws

Today my husband’s parents came from the North of Holland to visit us for the day. Very nice, and my inlaws always enjoy the things I cook, so I put some thinking in the menu for the evening. I went for a vegetarian menu. As starting course I decided on beet with pear and goat’sContinue reading “Diner for the in-laws”

Recipe: Buckwheat Breakfast

Yesterday’s breakfast was another winner: I made myself a buckwheat / fruit / tahini breakfast. YUM! This breakfast I look forward to the day before, when I put the buckwheat flowers in the fridge to soak overnight in water. Yesterday, after I brought the two eldest children to school, and I had some time forContinue reading “Recipe: Buckwheat Breakfast”